Hằng Nga Tien Nữ,12 Chinese zodiac animals story in Chinese and English translation – HIT CLUB

Hằng Nga Tien Nữ,12 Chinese zodiac animals story in Chinese and English translation

Title: The Story of the Zodiac Signs (English Translation)
In China, the Chinese zodiac is a traditional symbol with deep cultural meanings. These twelve animals represent people’s understanding of the universe and time, as well as people’s respect and reverence for the natural world. The twelve animals are rats, oxen, tigers, rabbits, dragons, snakes, horses, sheep, monkeys, chickens, dogs, and pigs. Each animal has its own unique character and story, which together make up a colorful zodiac culture. Below, we will explore the stories of these zodiac signs together and translate them into Chinese and English.
1. Rat
In traditional Chinese stories, the rat is a symbol of wit and dexterity. Legend has it that in a big competition, the rat was ignored or even ridiculed by other animals, but it still bravely participated in the competition and won first place. Therefore, the rat became the head of the zodiac. The English translation is as follows: InChinesefolklore, theratsymbolizeswitanddexterity. Accordingtoalegend,theratwasinitiallyoverlookedorevenlaughedatbyotheranimalsinacompetition,butitstillparticipatedandwonfirstplace. Therefore,theratbecametheleaderofthezodiacanimals.
2. Ox
The ox is a symbol of industriousness and strength. In ancient China, cattle were one of the important agricultural production tools, and people were full of respect for it. Legend has it that cattle helped people to work in the fields and made a great contribution to the lives of humans. The English translation is as follows: TheoxrepresentsdiligenceandstrengthinChineseculture.Inancienttimes,theoxwasoneoftheimportantagriculturaltools,andpeopleheldgreatrespectforit. Accordingtolegends,theoxhelpedpeopleplowthefieldsandmadegreatcontributionstotheirlivelihoods.
3. Tiger
The tiger is a symbol of bravery and strengthSư tử vàng thập toàn. In traditional Chinese culture, the tiger is entrusted with the duty of guarding the homeland and warding off evil spirits. People often use the term tiger to describe a warrior or hero. The English translation is as follows: ThetigersymbolizesbraveryandstrengthinChineseculture.Intraditionallegends,thetigerisassignedtheresponsibilityofprotectingthehomeanddispellingevil. Peopleoftenusethetigertodescribebravesoldiersorheroes.
4. Rabbit
The rabbit is a symbol of gentleness and peace in traditional Chinese culture. Legend has it that the Jade Rabbit on the moon brings a good harvest and hope. The English translation is as follows: InChineseculture,rabbitsrepresenttendernessandpeace. Itissaidthatthejaderabbitonthemoonbringsharvestandhope.
This is followed by other zodiac animals, including the Dragon (the dragon is a symbol of power, dignity, and auspiciousness), the Snake (a symbol of flexibility, calmness, and wisdom), the Horse (a symbol of galloping, speed, and strength), the Sheep (a symbol of gentleness, kindness, and peace), the Monkey (a symbol of intelligence, dexterity, and wit), the Rooster (a symbol of diligence, diligence, and loyalty), the Dog (a symbol of loyalty, bravery, and protection), and the Pig (a symbol of abundance, abundance, and good luck). Each zodiac sign has its own unique legends and stories, reflecting the wisdom and cultural heritage of the Chinese people. These stories not only enrich traditional Chinese culture, but also provide us with a new perspective to understand and appreciate this culture.
Overall, the stories of the 12 zodiac signs are an important part of Chinese culture, and these imaginative and interesting stories have been passed down from generation to generation, showing the wisdom of the Chinese people and their deep understanding of nature. I hope that through the introduction of this article, you can better understand and appreciate the Chinese zodiac culture.

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